Unexpected events are an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s a sudden illness, an accident, an economic recession, or any other emergency, having a financial emergency plan in place is important to protect yourself and your family from financial setbacks during difficult times. A financial contingency plan is a strategy that prepares you for the unforeseen, allowing you to better deal with emergencies and reduce the risk of over-indebtedness.

In this in-depth article, I’ll discuss why a financial contingency plan is crucial, the key steps to creating one, and helpful tips to help you create an effective contingency plan. Whether you’re a head of family, a working professional, an entrepreneur, or a student, the information here will help you secure your financial future and face life’s uncertainties with confidence.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor and am only giving these steps as tips to consider. Always make your own financial choices based on your own research and estimates.

Why a financial contingency plan is important

A financial contingency plan is a strategy that helps you anticipate emergencies and prepare for financial setbacks. Here are some reasons why creating such a plan is critical:

  • Contingency Protection: An emergency can lead to unexpected expenses, such as medical expenses, repairs, or legal issues. An emergency fund and a good financial contingency plan can help you cover these costs without getting into financial trouble.
  • Stress Reduction: Financial worries can cause a significant amount of stress and anxiety. With a contingency plan, you’ll have a sense of peace of mind knowing that you’re prepared for unexpected circumstances.
  • Lifestyle Maintenance: During an emergency, your source of income can be disrupted. With a financial contingency plan, you can continue to maintain your lifestyle and basic needs even if your income is temporarily lost.
  • Preventing Debt Accumulation: If you don’t have a contingency plan in place and you’re faced with an emergency, you may be forced to rely on credit. This can lead to debt accumulation and long-term financial problems.

Now that we understand why a financial contingency plan is so important, let’s focus on the essential steps to create one.

Step 1: Create an emergency fund

An emergency fund is the foundation of any financial emergency plan. It’s a pot of money specifically set aside for emergencies. Experts recommend setting aside at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses in the emergency fund. Here are some tips on how to build this fund:

Set Realistic Goals

Determine how much money you can save each month to build your emergency fund. Even small amounts can make a big difference in the long run. So think carefully about how much money you can afford to lose.

Automate saving

Automate your savings process by regularly transferring a fixed amount to your emergency fund account. This can be done through an automatic transfer from your checking account to your savings account or by using automatic savings apps.

Use additional income

If you receive unexpected additional income, such as bonuses, tax refunds, or a financial windfall, consider adding some of it to your emergency fund.

Building an emergency fund can take time, depending on your financial situation, but it’s worth having this financial buffer for emergencies.

Step 2: Review your Insurance Coverage

A thorough evaluation of your insurance coverage is crucial to protect yourself and your family from financial consequences in the event of an emergency. Insurance can act as a safety net and play an important role in reducing financial stress during difficult times.

Health insurance

Comprehensive health insurance is of great importance to cover medical expenses in the event of an emergency. Make sure you’re aware of your policy’s coverage and deductible, and that you understand what medical services are included.

Life insurance

If you have a family that is financially dependent on your income, life insurance is a wise choice. Life insurance provides financial protection to your loved ones in the event of your passing.

Disability insurance

If you rely on your income to support yourself and your family, it’s wise to consider disability insurance, especially when you are working physically. This insurance provides replacement income if you are unable to work due to illness or injury.

Car insurance

If you own a car, you need to make sure you have appropriate car insurance that covers damage to your car and any liability in the event of an accident.

There are many more insurances. Above all, check with yourself which insurances you take out and why.

Step 3: Reduce Debt and Manage Expenses

Reducing debt and managing your expenses are important aspects of an effective financial contingency plan. Having too much debt can make you more vulnerable in emergencies, while proper expense management can help you save more money for your emergency fund.

Debt repayment

Start by paying off high-interest debt, such as credit card debt, to reduce your overall debt burden. Establish a plan to systematically pay off your debts, starting with the highest interest rate, while making minimum payments on other debts.


A well-thought-out budget is an essential tool for keeping your expenses under control and achieving your financial goals. Analyze your income and expenses and identify areas where you can cut back. Stick to your budget and set aside a portion of your income to build and maintain your emergency fund.

Cautious with credit

Use credit wisely and only when necessary. Having a buffer of available credit can be helpful, but overusing it can get you into financial trouble due to interest rates. Avoid taking on new debts unless it is absolutely necessary.

Step 4: Contingency plan in case of loss of income

The loss of income can be a major challenge during emergencies. Creating a contingency plan for loss of income can help you be better prepared for this situation and increase your financial resilience.

Develop new skills

Invest in yourself by learning new skills that will increase your job prospects, should you lose your current job. By making yourself more valuable in the job market, you can find a new job faster if you need to.

Network & Keep Contacts

A strong professional network can be valuable when looking for new employment opportunities. Stay in touch with former colleagues, employees, and other professionals in your industry. Having a wide network can increase your chances of finding a new job if you lose your current job. Social media platforms such as Linkedin are also recommended for this.


Creating a financial contingency plan is a wise step to protect yourself and your family from unforeseen circumstances. By building an emergency fund, evaluating your insurance coverage, reducing debt, and managing your expenses, you’ll increase your financial resilience.

Having a well-thought-out contingency plan can give you peace of mind during difficult times and help you deal with emergencies effectively. Continue to evaluate your financial situation regularly and work on strengthening your financial position. With a well-prepared financial contingency plan, you’ll be better able to face life’s inevitable challenges with confidence.

You can also look at different ways to save money with, for example, your car, or your heating in your home. For example, you can save money with an electric car, or by using an electric heater, for example. Always check whether it is an advantageous choice in your personal situation to consider these types of alternatives.

And again:

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor and am only giving these steps as tips to consider. Always make your own financial choices based on your own research and estimates.
